Monday, July 30, 2018

Get Inspired on How to Earn Money on eBay and Achieve Happiness in Your life

Happiness Starts Here.

The key to true happiness is continuously saying IDGAF. The more we are saying IDGAF, the more authentic we are to ourselves. Those who know me know idgaf about much, and honest to god I still want to GAF about less. The amount of IDGAF I wish to attain is the "we're going streaking" scene from Old School. My GF will get a little nervous when she reads I want her to join me. JK, just metaphor… but maybe not. ha

We live life with too many other people in mind. We let too many people in our lives impact our decisions because we don’t want to disappoint others, be talked about, or "lose face." We get too much pride from looking at ourselves through other people's eyes. Ill speak anecdotally for a second. I owe so much to my girlfriend, and I WANT to live partly through her eyes. She is the only person that could stop me from doing something that I wanted to do. Honestly out of every single person in my life she is the only person that has earned that right. She is the only person that has been close enough to me through the good times and the bad. After that sappy AF paragraph, of who do you think? Who is that to you?
Many people think I'm lazy. If you knew me, you'd know that is true. My entire family thinks I'm incredibly opinionated and competitive. If you knew me, you'd know that is also true. But IDGAF. My laziness created a mindset and scenario where I continuously defy the norms of adulthood. My competitiveness in all things made me a winner in essential things like How To Earn Money on EBay. People reading this may think I'm a selfish prick. I'm okay with that, and you should be okay with people thinking you are too.

Through whose eyes are we looking at ourselves? Is it the few people that deserve to impact our actions? Or is it waves of people creating an undertow that is drowning us? We can't please everyone, and honestly, we should seek to please almost no one. Trying to please family and friends is learned. We are taught from birth that what our parents think about our lives is more important than what we think about our lives. That is how it should be for a while. But it becomes a problem when we start projecting these feelings of needing to please people onto more people than we should. Eventually, we need to grow TF up and start thinking for ourselves. We must live with ourselves. If we make a mistake following a path that we didn’t want, we still own that mistake. It is our mistake to bare. The people that force-fed us this path don’t share in our mistakes. For better or for worse our actions have consequences. Just make sure our actions are our own, not someone else's.

I want to make an essential distinction before I go further. I'm not saying actively try to displease people. That is something that people do all the time. I grew up with someone that thought it was hilarious to piss people off. He felt that just because he hid his anger behind laughter and an immature remark he wasn’t angry. When a matter of fact it was that anger that drove him to such low actions. I fell into that habit, and it took me a long time to realize that is scum bag behavior and the behavior of someone that is displeased with their own life. I was angry and had no idea how to let it go. Eventually, I just needed to say IDGAF. The point is, so many of us actively please people we shouldn’t, and actively try to anger people we shouldn’t. Stop doing both and it will likely even itself out. Once we strive for the approval of only those that matter, we stop doing things that make us miserable. We stop hurting others. Others stop hurting us.

I ask again. Through whose eyes are you looking at yourself? Pleasing your family and friends is nice. But it should NEVER be at the expense of your happiness. Do your parents dislike your GF/BF? Screw them. Are you a fully functioning "pothead". Good for you. Do you do porn and love doing it? Go for it and send me the link. Are you expected to go to college but don’t want to go? Screw that; you are young, follow your passion. If, but more likely when you fail, you can’t care about the "I told you so" you are going to get. If you live your life through your lens, the "I told you so" won’t embarrass you, or make you angry.

Take my advice or don’t, IDGAF.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Being a Good Person Is One of The Best Ways to Succeed

The logic is pretty simple really. Even if you don’t care about anybody but yourself, you should still be a good person for purely selfish reasons. Do you believe in Karma? I am not talking about mystical bull shit. I am talking about the things you bring into your life subconsciously. The fact of the matter is, you need good relationships. No man is an island. The people that you want to be in relationships with are people that have your best interest at heart. Only good people are going to have your best interests at heart. No good person is going to want to be in a relationship of any kind with you if you are a piece of shit. Ipso facto don’t be a piece of shit.  You shouldn’t need more proof, but just in case you are not sold yet, here we go.

It is so hard to express how important the people around you really are to your future success or failures and happiness or sadness. You become the people you are around most. You never see someone sober hanging around people shooting heroin. You never see one obnoxious person liked by a group of polite and courteous people. My best friend and business partner is just as good as I am, to be perfectly honest, he may even be better. But I am admittedly a work in progress. We have similar goals on How To Earn Money on EBay, and we make one another better. This couldn’t happen if one of us was an asshole, and didn’t have the best interest of the other on our minds. The most relatable example would probably be a romantic relationship. You are going to attract someone that is similar to you. That is just a fact. There is rarely a successful “opposites attract” type of relationship. That has been debunked over and over. So now you just have to ask yourself. Would you want to be involved with someone that has your qualities? It takes an amazing amount of self awareness to answer that last question honestly. If you happened to of gotten lucky and are in relationships with good people, just know that it wont last unless you meet their goodness with your own eventually. Nobody is going to deal with a douche forever.

This is something you really can fake until you make it. Eventually the letting go of grudges and treating people with kindness will become a habit and will lead to a much more fulfilling life. At first it is going to be very hard. You may even feel a burning in your gut when you force yourself to let grudges and vengeance go. That NEED to get even or speak your mind to somebody that has no interest in listening will go away. Eventually all that will be left is a new, improved, and happier you. When you are gone what remains? Only legacy and reputation. If you are a dick your entire life you will still have a legacy, but it will not be a flattering one.